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Home News Article: How not to make a...

How not to make a website

Published on Thursday, December 18th 2014 by Aaron Whiffin

There’s no arguing that first impressions count, and this is just as true online as it is face to face.

Your website is often the first thing your customers see, and if it’s not up to par it could just as easily be the last.

We see a lot of websites and many of them stand out for the wrong reasons…

  1. Cliché stock photos. It’s hard to think of a better way to tell your clients that you’re no different to everyone else. Stock photos can have their place, but don’t for example use a close up photo of two people shaking hands, it’s just too cliché.
  2. Thinking of yourself. It’s easy to tell your visitors how long you’ve been trading, how much you value your clients and how you ‘think outside of the box’, but is this really what your clients want to hear? You are selling a product and service, and this will solve a client’s problem, or benefit them in some way. So tell them how you can help.
  3. Disguising who you are. “We are Webbed Feet UK, we are a creative boutique”, that’s a modern way of saying we’re web designers I guess? Well no, not really, it will just confuse people who are scanning your website. Your logo, strapline and website should make it very clear who you are and what you do. Don’t beat around the bush, get straight to the point.
  4. Hiding what you do. Your products or services are your most important assets, they should be promoted clearly all over your website, not hidden away in a ‘services’ menu. Don’t make it hard for people to buy from you, and don’t be ashamed of what you do.
  5. Make it hard to get in touch. If you don’t want people to phone and you prefer an email, don’t leave off your phone number. This is a big mistake, you may want them to email, but maybe they would prefer to call. Would you seriously turn away a sale just because you don’t want to answer the phone? Make it as easy as you can for clients to get in touch.

Of course there are always exceptions, and this list is by no means exhaustive, so if you’re in any doubt, either put yourself in your clients’ shoes, or contact us and we’ll look for you.

We are a web design agency, we are Webbed Feet UK

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